Hydroseeding done, entrance sign and lots of visitors!
The hydroseeding contractors finished spraying down the grass+mulch mix on Friday the 10th! We’re asking everyone to please stay off of the green hydroseeded areas all around the skatepark surfaces. Thus far it looks like everyone is being really awesome about staying off the hydroseed, and we GREATLY appreciate that!
I know I promised a new big aerial orthophoto in one of the previous updates, but, as is the way with technology, something went pretty wrong. The software assembling the images keeps creating a great big wad of photos on top of the baseball diamond instead of stitching them together. If the weather holds out I may get a chance to fly the drone to try again soon!
We’ve got new signage! It’s actually been up for a little while, just haven’t had a chance to put an update on the website about it.
We’ve had a pretty steady stream of visitors whenever it’s nice out, getting in that last bit of skating before winter settles in on us here in Montana!

Missoula County PTOL also put up the fencing for the parking area in the last couple weeks, and with the hydroseeding done, the parking lot is open!

Even had a chance to bring out the drone today for a few new shots from the air!!
The whole site looks a lot better with the hydroseed, fencing, and parking lot fully done than it did back on the soft opening day!